Joe Jackson Photos - The Trophies

Joe With His Most Famous Trophies, 1917 Joe Jackson holding his two most famous trophies. The Long Throw Trophy on the left and the Jean Bedini Trophy on the right.

Long Throw Presentation Card The presentation card Joe received for throwing the ball the furthest during Tim Murnane Benefit pre-game contests.

Long Throw Trophy 1 Photo of the Tim Murnane Benefit Game Longest Throw Trophy won by Joe for heaving a ball 396 feet, 8 inches during a long throw competition held prior to the benefit game for long time sportswriter Tim Murnane's family. Murnane had passed away early in the year. Game held in the Fall of 1917 and pitted the Boston Red Sox against the rest of the greats of the American League.

Long Throw Trophy 2 Close up view of the inscription of the Long Throw trophy. It reads "Won By Joe Jackson of the White Sox. The World's Greatest Slugger. Heaving a baseball farther than any of the stars at the Tim Murnane Benefit Exhibition Game between the all stars and Boston. Jackson 396 FT. 8 IN., Lewis 384 FT. 8 IN., Walker 384 FT."

Long Throw Trophy 3 Another view of the Long Throw trophy.

Long Throw Trophy 4 Another view of the Long Throw trophy.

Long Throw Trophy 5 Another view of the Long Throw trophy.

Long Throw Trophy 6 Another view of the Long Throw trophy.

The Jean Bedini Trophy News Article The write up in the 5/6/1914 Cleveland Plain Dealer concerning how Joe won the trophy and that Jean Bedini would present it during his vaudeville show that night. Image courtesy of Mike Miller, Shoeless Joe Jackson Museum and Baseball Library.

The Jean Bedini Trophy, Presented To Joe In 1914 1914 trophy presented to Joe by vaudeville actor, juggler and producer Jean Bedini. The trophy was presented to Joe for outbatting Ty Cobb in a critical series in 1914.

The Jean Bedini Trophy 2 Close up of the inscription on the trophy. The inscription reads "Presented to Joe Jackson By Jean Bedini 1914."

The Jean Bedini Trophy 3 Another view of the trophy

The Jean Bedini Trophy 4 Another view of the trophy.

The Jean Bedini Trophy 5 Another view of the trophy.

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